Aikido Blog


Learning any new skill challenges us to set aside what we think we know about the world and offers us the opportunity to become vulnerable, to trust ourselves in a new set of circumstances. When I was working on the tall ship HMS Rose, I was asked by the captain to go aloft and bring…


We are half way though the 50th year of Yamada Sensei bringing Aikido to New York City and founding the United States Aikido Federation. I am struck by how important it is to reflect on not only this major milestone but on how to we should celebrate daily, the gift that has been given to…

5 Best Practices on Training to take with you after each class.

Ok, you’re working on your technique.  Your ukemi.  Your Test Techniques.  Working on Etiquette.  Working on Centering.  Balance. Zanshin and so on.  Class can become overwhelming sometimes trying to retain a lot of details and points your instructor is making.  Here are some tips on retention: 1.  There is usually a theme during class –…

Some thoughts on fueling up prior to Aikido class.

You should have 500 to 800 calories no later than two hours before the start of class.  If life gets insane eat a bar or banana in the car on the way.  The idea is to elevate your blood sugar so you have enough energy.  The consequence of NOT doing that is you’ll run out…

The Efficiency of Bowing

In Aikido, there are many times that a bow is the right thing to do. Some bow when entering the dojo and all bow before stepping on and off the mat. We bow to O-Sensei. We bow to our Sensei. We bow to our Senpai and also to our Kōhai. We bow to O-Sensei before…

Persistence in Training

Someone once said “80% of success is just showing up”. To be successful, train often. 3 or more times a week – you will make noticeable and regular progress. Twice a week, slow but steady progress. Once a week, and I feel like I am standing still. We all have limited time, and it is…

Winter Camp 2014

Toshie pinning


Benefits of Tuesday evening Ukemi class

Benefits of Tuesday evening Ukemi class Originally it didn’t even occur to me to come to that class, I was more concerned with being recovered in between classes, so I opted for Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. While practicing with Brent-san he made the comment “Tuesday’s would be really good for you”. So I changed up…