Aikido Blog

6th Dan Promotion!

We are pleased to announce the promotion of our Chief Instructor, Sensei Dennis Main, Shidoin to Rokudan (6th Dan) from Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan, 8th Dan, President of the United States Aikido Federation. Main Sensei has been studying and teaching Aikido since 1970 directly under Shihan Andy Demko, 7th Dan, USAF Technical Committee and Chief Instructor…

Practicing Aikido in a Throng

With the holiday season over, I want to relate a trick that I found useful for passing the time during shopping doldrums. Generally speaking, many of us will not experience close quarters combat with a lot of frequency. In order to learn more about how people move and behave in such scenarios, I’ve been finding…

Attention, Attention, Attention

As part of my training I spent a year in a neuropsychology clinic administering test batteries to patients presenting with various neurological problems.  The most common reason for patients to come in to the clinic was what they described as memory impairment.  “I can never remember where I put my keys.”  “I keep forgetting my…

I am an empty cup.

Last week my son gave me the opportunity to impart what I believe to be one of the most important lessons that the martial arts can teach: the lesson of The Empty Cup.  He had just taken his first Tae Kwon Do class, and he was sooooooo excited to tell me all about the new…

My First Time

It seemed like I did something new every time I stepped on the mat in aikido, so I checked my notes for each practice day. It’s true. First day of class. First forward roll. First time meeting several classmates. First back roll. First shihonage. First seminar! First seminar (day two). Get yukyusha book. First shikko.…

Proud Moments.

In my Aikido career, approaching 15 years, there have been plenty of students that have come and gone but every now and then a select few get to the first finish line and reach Shodan (First Degree Blackbelt) and after that usually 3-5 years later an even smaller amount reach Nidan (2nd Degree Black Belt).…

What it’s all about?

This past weekend, I got to travel to the 50th Yamada Sensei Celebration at Winter Camp. This was a very special seminar for our dojo. Not only were we a part in making history as our students helped in capturing some very important video content of various USAF Members pay tribute to the head of…

Goal Setting – Part 3

This is part 3 of 3. What is the magic bullet in the goal setting process? The answer is evaluation. Think “steering the ship”. Our short term goals are set and achieved. Our long term goals are in the future and require a small buy in. We’re now in “no mans land” chasing a mid…

Goal Setting – Part 2

This is part 2 of 3. So, setting a short term goal isn’t difficult to set nor is it difficult to attain. Because it is easy to hit 6th Kyu we are juiced to carry on the journey to our long term goal. But it’s here where the danger starts – we forget the midterm…

Goal Setting – Part 1

This is part 1 of 3. Goal setting is the most critical behavior to success and yet is the most misunderstood. Every single successful person (regardless of endeavor) that you know, has at some point set goals. If you set goals you have the POTENTIAL to succeed, if you don’t set goals you are guaranteed…