Aikido Blog

Etiquette 101 – To Bow or Not To Bow, That is the Question

Aikido is a traditional Japanese martial art and bowing is an important part of our practice. Bowing is a sign of respect, humility, gratitude, and mindfulness. It demonstrates “being in the moment” and paying attention to the “little things” as we practice. When and where to bow can be confusing for the new practitioner (Aikidoka,)…

Passport to Aikido

If you travel away from your home dojo at all, you should know that membership in the USAF has its benefits. Upon passing the 6th Kyu test, you are issued a Yukyusha book, which keeps track of your testing and training. It’s a very high quality book that even has a place for you to attach…

Practical Self Defense

2014 Seminar

A. Demko Shihan

Family Martial Arts


White is uniformly considered a color that signifies cleanliness. Its one of the main reasons that a lot of chefs and waitstaff wear white. You might say that by wearing white, the waitstaff would be inviting all sorts of stains on themselves and you may be right. Yet, its real easy to clean them up…


In the practice of Aikido, we often find ourselves concerned with respect for our fellow Aikidoka. This manifests itself in many ways, not the least of which is time. Our most limited resource is time; nothing can give us more and yet many lay claim to what time we have. In the dojo, we engage…


As you training issues will arise. Things like work schedule, family commitments, sickness, injury and a whole slue of Real Life. Your eventual success will come from your commitment to the process of Aikido training and that means you need a plan. Leadership author John Maxwell stated that if you make a good decision then…

The difference between Intention & Commitment.

The differences between intentions and commitment: 1. How worn is your ‘Obi’? 2. Do you find a way to get to class or do you find an excuse not to make class? 3. Is the pain a constant obstacle or a welcomed experience? 4. Wanting versus Doing. 5. Commitment equals Action while Intention equals hope.…