Aikido Blog

Lineage Lounge at Aikido of Charlotte

2017 Aikido Video Lineage - Aikido of Charlotte, Charlotte, NC

Video Series Our Lineage celebrates our 1 year anniversary in our new dojo with USAF Technical Committee Member, Andy Demko, 7th Dan, Shihan, Chief Instructor, Aikido of Charlotte, Dennis Main, 6th Dan, Shidoin and Dojo Cho, Aikido of Charlotte, Jonathan Weiner, 4th Dan, Shidoin. Film and Edited by Peter Carolla. Aikido of Charlotte, Inc. 10230…

Interviewing our Dojo Cho…

J. Weiner, 4th Dan, Shidoin - Aikido of Charlotte - Charlotte, NC

Ed-san: A lot of people talk about aikido’s effects on its practitioners’ daily lives – that it isn’t just limited to the mat. How has aikido influenced your everyday experience? Weiner Sensei: My understanding is that O-Sensei created Aikido not only to effectively train our bodies but to bring people together in harmony. Meaning, I feel he…

Origins Of the Jo Staff

Jo - Aikido of Charlotte, USAF Dojo, Charlotte, NC

The martial arts are a pretty dogmatic discipline. We tend to practice techniques as instructed, concentrating less upon the historical context from which they arose. It’s ironic because so many of the legendary teachers and grandmasters whose skill we seek to emulate were, themselves rebels and revolutionaries. I like to think that in aikido, which…

As a mom with a 14-year-old boy, sometimes I’m at a loss.

honor in training

To injure an opponent is to injure yourself. To control aggression without inflicting injury is the Art of Peace. Morihei Ueshiba As a mom with a 14-year-old boy, sometimes I’m at a loss. How can I help him grow up well in a world in which violence is a daily occurrence? Some would encourage me…

Why Seminars?

aikido summer camp

Why Seminars? As an Aikido practitioner and teacher, I have attended over 100 Aikido seminars.  I want to point out why and what to expect if you’re new, experienced (3rd Kyu – 1st Kyu) or Yudansha (Black Belt).  Sure, I attend seminars for a few different reasons now than when I first started but here…

What you do matters.

Most Experienced Aikido Charlotte Dojo - Leadership

I want to share something important with you all: What you do matters. I learned long ago that the best chances of my success is to study the habits of the most successful people I can get access to in a particular field. In 2012 as I started my Aikido journey I studied the best…

Reflecting upon my first Aikido Seminar

Most Experienced Aikido Charlotte Dojo

Reflecting upon my first Aikido seminar that first thing that came to mind was how refreshingly familiar the experience was. I enjoyed the way class was conducted, it was similar to how we practice in our own dojo. I enjoyed working with other students and learning their thought processes and how they execute certain moves. Everyone…


Most Experienced Aikido Charlotte Dojo

CORE in all aspects of my life is more important than ever.  CORE Nutrition.  CORE Dedicated Aikido Practice.   CORE Supplementation.  You get the point. In Aikido, especially if reaching Black Belt if your goal.  You need to physically have a Strong CORE.  Lower Back/Abs = Centering.  This will not only make your Nage-waza better, as…

Top 3 Traits of a Shodan

Most Experienced Aikido Charlotte Dojo

As a dedicated yukyusha on the path to Shodan, I think it’s fair to get hung up on technique or ukemi or simply the physical movement since after all we are practicing a martial art. But I wanted to share some of the responses from several black belts in the USAF on what they feel…

Recovering from an Injury


A fact in the life of every active person is the inevitability of getting injured. While the circumstances that surround the actual injury or how serious the injury is are important that’s not what I want to focus on. I want to focus on a method that will help you recover and get back on…